Quality & Environment


Basic Principles

We promote environmental protection and pollution prevention through the sale and service of electronics products. We position environmental preservation as one of the most important issues in our management and aim to be an earth-friendly company.

Environmental Policy

Through continuous improvement of our environmental management system, we aim to create a sustainable, recycling-oriented society in harmony with the environment.

  1. We strive to promote environmentally friendly products and services.
  2. We strive to improve the efficiency of our use of electricity, paper, fuel, and other resources, and to promote resource and energy conservation.
  3. We promote recycling of resources by strictly sorting and managing waste.
  4. We are committed to reducing waste emissions.

All employees shall be aware of and implement the environmental policies from 1 to 4.

June 24 2022
SAS Corporation
President and CEO
SHIMADA Hidenobu